Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halfway Down with Another Semester...

At last, that eight weeks has past and it's halfway through another semester. Usually the time when the chaff is separated from the wheat, well, more or less the slackers separated from the dedicated students. It's definitely been a busy semester, especially with music theory, which is very intense on the intermediate level. LOTS of four part harmony, although it's starting to make some sense at last. Sometimes I feel like trying to remember all those nit-picky rules of four part harmony is like putting a vise to the head, but it's worth it in the end (at least I hope). And considering how much I hated theory when I was first studying piano, this isn't so bad. More importantly, I'm having fun and still enjoying it despite the fact it's sometimes frustrating. The other class, applied music is alright, although have had to miss the last couple classes due to a major project at work, Project Simplify (which we'll be glad when it's finished). And of course, I can't go without commenting on the choir, which is a group I hold in high regard and am going to have a hard time saying goodbye to when I move on to UOP, San Jose State, San Francisco State, or wherever I wind up applying to. My closest friends in the choir have also been a Godsend this semester, especially being there for me after my grandma's passing last month. The music has been a nice diversion, especially last week with my mom's hospitalization with celulitis. Now it's onto Handel's "Messiah" (well, the Christmas portion), which is a work I've been wanting to sing in for a long time. Well, for once I'll keep this nice and short, as the semester's not over yet...

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